Radford Regiment Activities
Week of December 2-6
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving!
Below is the band event schedule for the next 3 weeks.
Week of December 2-6
Monday- Band Booster Meeting 6:00 pm
Tuesday- Jazz Band 2:30-4:00 pm
Thursday- Jazz Band 2:30-4:00 pm
Saturday- Band Fundraiser at Central Church
Week of December 9-13
Tuesday- Radford Christmas Parade
Wednesday- Jazz Band 2:30-4:00 pm
Thursday- Jazz Band 2:30-4:00 pm
Saturday- HS All-district auditions at William Byrd HS
Week of December 16-20
Monday- Winter Concert Dress Rehearsal
Marching Band Pizza Party at RHS
Tuesday- Winter Concert 7:00 pm
The Band Boosters will be fundraising on December 7th by preparing and serving food at the Diecast show being held at Central Church in their Family Life Center. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
Dec 7th. Fundraiser Sign Up Genius
Kroger Community Rewards
Want to see how much you donated to the Best Band in the Land last quarter? Simply go to https://www.kroger.com/account/update. Look at the last line of your statement and it will be there. You didn't do anything but buy groceries or get fuel, no extra effort at all!!! Thank you!!! All of those that participate add up to approximately $900 of free monet each quarter.
If you haven't enrolled yet, it only takes a few minutes. Have your Kroger Rewards Card handy and go to http://www.kroger.com/communityrewards to register. Our account number is 83791. You must re-register annually. So take a minute and make sure you have the Radford High School Band Boosters selected as your organization. This is a major source of income for the Band Boosters and every dollar goes to support our outstanding and talented young musicians at Dalton Intermediate and Radford High School.
Daniel Frankenberger
Director of Bands
George Saunders
Assistant Director of Bands
Radford High School
Dalton Intermediate School
50 Dalton Drive
Radford, VA 24141
Tel: 540-731-3649 Ext. 7457