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Welcome to the Dalton Intermediate and Radford High School band program in Radford, Virginia. The Radford Band Program is recognized as one of the finest and most comprehensive high school band programs in the area. Performing Ensembles include the Radford Regiment Marching Band, the Symphonic and Concert Bands, and the Percussion Ensemble. The band program at Radford provides a comprehensive musical experience for its students with special emphasis placed on performance. The Radford Band Program which dates from 1941, is led by Director of Bands, Daniel P. Frankenberger.


Concert Band


Marching Band


Percussion Ensemble


Symphonic Band


Color Guard

Daniel Frankenberger

Daniel P. Frankenberger

Director of Bands

A native of Black Mountain, NC, Daniel Paul Frankenberger graduated from Charles D. Owen High School in 1993. He then went on to graduate cum laude from Brevard College with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music Degree in 1997 and graduated with performance distinction from the New England Conservatory of Music with a Master of Music in Wind Ensemble Conducting in 1999. He has furthered his education by attending the Conductor’s Institute of the University of South Carolina and the North Texas University Conductor’s Collegium.

While attending Brevard College, Mr. Frankenberger studied trumpet, euphonium and conducting with Professor Ruth Still, as well as trombone with William Zeyphus and Kieg Garvin. He also studied woodwinds with David Kirby; violin with Paul Statsky; and cello with Ron Clearfield. While at Brevard, Mr. Frankenberger performed in the Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, Brass Choir, and several brass ensembles. He served as conductor of the Brevard College Brass Choir from January 1995-May 1997, and has since been back as guest conductor.

At New England Conservatory Mr. Frankenberger studied conducting with Frank Battisti. He was able to guest conduct many fine ensembles including: the NEC Wind Ensemble, the NEC Jordan Winds, the Eastern Nazarene College Wind Ensemble, the NEC Youth Symphony and the Massachusetts Youth Wind Ensemble.

In July of 2006 Mr. Frankenberger and family moved to Virginia after he was hired as band director for the Radford City Schools System. His duties for Radford are teaching all of the beginning through high school bands, which include marching band, concert bands, jazz band and several small ensembles. Prior to his arrival in Radford, Mr. Frankenberger held middle and high school teaching positions in Georgia, Florida and North Carolina, and served as adjunct faculty at South Florida Community College.

Mr. Frankenberger’s professional affiliations include the NAfME (National Association for Music Education), VMEA (Virginia Music Educator’s Association), and VBODA (Virginia Band & Orchestra Association). He is also an honorary member of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. The Frankenberger family is made up of beautiful wife Jaclyn and their three boys, Caleb, Jack and Samuel.

Honors & Awards

Radford Noon Rotary Club, Service Above Self Award, April 5, 2012
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity, Honorary Member, December 7, 2008
Greater Sebring Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, May 26, 2005
Avon Park High School Teacher of the Year, 2002/2003
Toe River Arts Council, Teaching Grant, Spring 2000
New England Conservatory, Distinction in Performance & Cum Laude, 1999
New England Conservatory Scholarship, Sept 1997- May 1999
Brevard College, Cum Laude, May 1997
Brevard College, President’s Award
Brevard College, M. Thomas Cousins Award, May 1996
Brevard College Scholarships, Sept 1993- May 1997

George Saunders

George Saunders III

Assistant Director of Bands

Bio Coming Soon


Band Staff

Sandra Coe de la Fuente
Annika Lovik

Alex Obiso

Briggs Robinson

Myles Thomas
Ian Epperly
Kathryn Santello

Director History

1941 - Present

Assistant Directors


George Saunders III


Jamie Fillman


Janet Longerbeam


Thomas Hilliker

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